Drowning While Standing - Urban Vision 2017 - Acquapendente

Acquapendente (Lazio) - Drowning While Standing is an artwork painted by australian street artist Fintan Magee during the Urban Vision Festival 2017 (07-08 ....

Scritto da gea-staff
pubblicato il 09/11/2017 aggiornato il 10/11/2017
Autore: Fintan Magee
Categoria: street-art
Letture: 257 ( Aggiornato il: 09/03/2025 15:05 )
Credits: Fintan Magee

Drowning While Standing is an artwork painted by australian street artist Fintan Magee during the Urban Vision Festival 2017 (07-08 July), in Acquapendente (Lazio).

Fintan Magee: << In 2016 a report released at the UN climate change conference in Marrakech stated that young people aged 18-25 say they are more concerned about climate change than the economy, terrorism, unemployment or any other issue.

As rising sea levels, increased aridity and coral bleaching become a visible global reality it’s easy for young voters to feel ignored by politicians and policy makers who continually focus on the needs of baby boomers and older voters. As inaction on climate change continues many young people are being locked out of stable employment and housing while being forced to deal with rising education costs and rising sea levels.
Many young people now feel unheard, disconnected from politics, and increasingly cynical about the future of the planet.

This painting set in the context of the US pulling out of the Paris agreement depicts a young man drowning while standing. His face is incased in plastic as rising water levels engulf his face, suffocate his voice and render him mute and breathless. >>

RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA - © Copyright, all rights reserved

Ringraziamo per il contributo anche:

Rimanda Atropo


#tr615 #acquapendente #lazio #italia #fintanmagee #murales #streetart #urbanvision2017 #urbanvisonfestival #rimandaatropo


Full Screen

Thanks to the contribution:

Rimanda Atropo

<< Per ovvie ragioni negli articoli non vengono svelati tutti i dettagli delle opere.
Se in zona sono previste visite guidate "autorizzate" vi consiglio vivamente di prenotarle per una full immersion fra colori, informazioni e curiosità.
La maggior parte delle associazioni investono le quote dei biglietti per finanziare e sostenere ulteriori progetti di riqualificazione artistica urbana.
Quindi, approfittatene! >>
Diego Magrì (gea-staff)

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