Noorbeek - An ode to the small village and its traditions

Noorbeek - A mural painted by street artist Gomad in September 2017 on the outside wall of Henry VIII restaurant which actually belongs to Landal GreenPark...

Scritto da gea-staff
pubblicato il 08/09/2017 aggiornato il 09/09/2017
Autore: Gomad
Categoria: murales
Letture: 323 ( Aggiornato il: 07/03/2025 03:05 )

A mural painted by street artist Gomad in September 2017 on the outside wall of Henry VIII restaurant which actually belongs to Landal GreenPark.

This artwork is an ode to the small village of Noorbeek and its traditions.

Landal Greenparks is a European network of holiday villages in the heart of nature. Currently it has a total of 85 parks in 9 countries.
Gomad  painted this artwork in Landal De Waufsberg, situated in a unique location on the Dutch-Belgian border. And this new park is nearby to picturesque village of Noorbeek.

<< The name of the mural - said Gomad - is Noorbeek. And the mural is an ode to the small village of Noorbeek nearby the Landal park. The mural shows the town church and a typical half-timbered house known for this region of South-Limburg in the lowest point of the Netherlands. Also a traditional procession with horses and wreaths of flowers is portrayed. >>

The whole design, painted in sepia/brown colors, is framed by a wooden frame (also painted). And it was commissioned by Henry VIII Restaurant.

RIPRODUZIONE RISERVATA - © Copyright, all rights reserved

Citations and References

GOMAD Graffix
Gasterij Henry VIII (Restaurant)


#tr575 #noorbeek #netherlands #gomad #gasterijhenryviii #murales #graffiti #popolartraditions #landalgreenparks


Full Screen

Citations and References

GOMAD Graffix
Gasterij Henry VIII (Restaurant)

<< Per ovvie ragioni negli articoli non vengono svelati tutti i dettagli delle opere.
Se in zona sono previste visite guidate "autorizzate" vi consiglio vivamente di prenotarle per una full immersion fra colori, informazioni e curiosità.
La maggior parte delle associazioni investono le quote dei biglietti per finanziare e sostenere ulteriori progetti di riqualificazione artistica urbana.
Quindi, approfittatene! >>
Diego Magrì (gea-staff)

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