Traditions and peace

Semestene - new work of highly acclaimed artist of Irgoli, Pina Monne. The municipality has commissioned a new installation ....

Scritto da gea-staff
pubblicato il 03/11/2016 aggiornato il 04/08/2017
Autore: Pina Monne
Categoria: murales
Letture: 1120 ( Aggiornato il: 09/03/2025 15:05 )

A new work created by eclectic artist, Pina Monne, in piazza San Nicolò in Semestene.

After her latest masterpiece as a tribute to Giovanni Maria Angioy, the municipality has wanted to replicate re-contacting the highly acclaimed artist for a new installation.

This is the result of months of hard work in pottery, creating bas-reliefs, installations in iron and painting.

An important detail are the three white doves circling in the wall, transmitting an immediate and pleasant sense of peace.
Then the artist has placed various bas-reliefs depicting scenes of everyday life of the local tradition, by collecting water in the fountain in the square, the harvest of wheat, to embroidery, hunting and herding.

At the end of the work Pina thanked everyone, and in particular: << Thanks to Anna, my right arm; thanks to Linus and Agostino who helped us in the laying of bas-reliefs. >>
She also thanked the municipality and the citizens who have supported these days installation.

Pina Monne, a great artist!

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Se in zona sono previste visite guidate "autorizzate" vi consiglio vivamente di prenotarle per una full immersion fra colori, informazioni e curiosità.
La maggior parte delle associazioni investono le quote dei biglietti per finanziare e sostenere ulteriori progetti di riqualificazione artistica urbana.
Quindi, approfittatene! >>
Diego Magrì (gea-staff)

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